Bracing and CuStom ORthotic Solutions

Ossur Miami Lumbar Back


Rigid custom fit immobilizing back brace for required post-operative stabilization of the spine (rigid TLSO). Designed for post-operative immobilization, injured ligaments or muscles and pain relief.

Stabilizes the spine up to T7. As patient progresses through different stages of healing, the brace can be adjusted to accommodate needed support levels.


  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerative spinal pathologies
  • Post surgical stabilization
  • Sponyloithesis
  • Spondylolysis
  • Stable non-displaced spinal fractures L1-L5

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Looking for An Orthopedic Consultation?

Contact us to find out how our specialists can help you to select the right bracing or orthotics for your specific needs.